Register Now for Stars at Yerkes Teacher Workshop Lunacy IV - Moon Gazers
Post date: Sep 02, 2012 4:0:23 PM
Saturday, September 22, 20129:00 am - 4:30 pm Yerkes ObservatoryThe ALL NEW Stars at Yerkes Lunacy IV Workshop will focus on turning your students into Moon Gazers. You will learn how to engage students to explore the solar system’s basic geological processes using the Internet award-winning video game "Selene". Learn about "MoonWorld " and show students how to help scientists map the moon using the "Moon Mappers" Project. The workshop will provide an opportunity for international collaboration using the iCollaboratory’s “Moon Over Us” project. Hear about some newly developed materials associated with Gerard P. Kuiper’s Moon Hemisphere, an artifact from the 1950's that was used to map the Moon's surface. Learn about crater counting and how to take lunar images using MoonKAM. “Lunacy IV: Moon Gazers” is a special day for teacher training at Yerkes Observatory, and is part of the “International Observe the Moon Night” Project. Stay after dinner for the Public Observing Night Moon Party, as we share the skies and observe the Moon using a variety of techniques and telescopes. Don't miss this day to better learn more about our neighbor the Moon! In the evening, join us for the Observing Night Moon Party, as we share the skies and observe the Moon using a variety of techniques and telescopes.Cost for the workshop is $25.00 and registration is suggested. Registration includes CPDUs and lunch.
Click here for event agenda and registration.
(Above image of the Moon taken with the MicroObservatory Telescope Network.)
The image below will be used during the workshop and can also be downloaded via the link at the bottom of this page.
Please DOWNLOAD the following before the workshop and be sure to have Excel on your computer.
Virtual Moon Atlas Pro 5.1 - Free Download
Links & Documents
- Read More about the Project
- Read More about MoonGazers Professional Development
- Read More about MoonGazers Student Activities
- Watch YouTube video of the West Virginia Public Broadcasting feature on Selene, MoonWorld, and MoonGazers
MoonWorld - Investigating and Teaching in Virtual Worlds - coming soon
- Read More about this Project
Crater Activity by Marc Berthoud - Images and simulation
Distance to Moon Activity - from NASA Exploring the Moon Educator's Guide
Faces of the Moon Teachers Guide from Bob Crelin's Activities
International Observe the Moon Night IInOMN) Home Website
- What to see on the Moon PowerPoint Presentation
Journaling the Moon - by Elizabeth Ramsayer - video presentation
Lunar Maps and Images from Lunar and Planetary Institude
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Website
Moon ABC's Fact Sheet - Part of NASA's Exploring the Moon Teacher's Guide
MoonKAM - Students Image the Moon - GRAIL Mission
Moon Mappers - Cosmoquest
Moon Observation Journal from InOMN
Moon Over Us Website
- iCollaboratory Porta
Moon Wheel Resource Information
Moon Zoo - Citizen Science Program's Zoomiverse
September Sky Map Link
Document Downloads Below