Register Now for November 2012 Teaching with Telescopes Teacher Workshop
Post date: Oct 08, 2012 4:21:21 PM
Register Now for Stars at Yerkes Workshop
MESTA On the Road - Teaching with Telescopes
Saturday, November 17, 2012
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Yerkes Observatory
We invite you to join "MESTA on the Road" for a journey of discovery using the Galileoscope. Teachers from the Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association will lead you in activities that explore optics, the history of telescopes, our Moon, and solar astronomy. The aim of this workshop is to provide you with the tools to do more astronomy with your students. As a part of membership in the National Earth Science Teachers Association, each workshop participant will be provided with 4 (that's right, FOUR!) Galileoscope kits, one of which will be built during the workshop. If you want to have these telescopes, please join the NESTA before the workshop date. A one year online membership is only $20.00. Go to the NESTA site to join:
All workshop participants will also receive a copy of The Center for Science Education's (UC Berkeley) new Cosmic Serpent book! Just added: all participants will also receive a Miller Planisphere! Please bring a camera tripod with you to the workshop, as well as a laptop computer. Register below for this workshop now!
Cost for the workshop is $25.00 and registration is suggested. Registration includes CPDUs and lunch.
Click here for event agenda and registration.
In the evening, join us for the Observing Night Moon Party, as we share the skies and observe the Moon using a variety of techniques and telescopes.
Details and registration coming soon.